Emerson Now Offering Degree in Email Communication

The program was announced this morning after the third accidental mass email since August went out. “We just really felt that it’s a timely and relevant topic that our students can use to shape the future,” said Lee Pelton in a, you guessed it, mass email. 

The art of the email is not to be taken lightly, as has been proven time and time again. “What happened to Ann? Did she ever get that job? I can’t sleep at night anymore.” said one distraught Emersonian.  “All we can do is hit reply all to tell everyone to stop hitting reply all. I feel powerless.”

But all that is about to change. Emerson is reclaiming the “send” button and using the new program to empower future generations and make sure every email gets to the right person. “I feel a lot safer now,” one freshmen was overheard saying. Will this be the next communication revolution?