Allston Rat Offers Tutoring Sessions For ‘History Of Jazz’ Classes

As the end of the semester rapidly approaches, one Allston resident is taking the extra step to make sure Emerson students are prepared for their MU-239 History Of Jazz final this April.

Starting this week, Robbie the Jazz Rat will offer tutoring sessions for any Emerson student worried about their grasp on the nuanced subtleties in jazz music throughout the years. Robbie, a professional musician himself, knows how important History of Jazz is to Emerson students and wants to do everything in his power to keep grade point averages up.

“Jazz is a pretty big deal,” Robbie said, shortly after pulling a half-eaten bag of Five Guys french fries out of a dumpster. “And it’s fundamental to a liberal arts education. Buddy Bolden, Louis Armstrong, Miles Davis – it just doesn’t get better than that. I always find myself quoting that movie La La Land, you ever heard of that? I say ‘What do you mean you don’t like jazz?’. Between you and me, I even think I kind of look like Ryan Gosling.

Robbie’s tutoring sessions will be held on the tracks of the Boston College Green Line train outside Paradise Rock Club in Allston. If you can’t make it out there, don’t fret- Robbie is small enough to fit right under the crack in your door to come directly to your dorm room.

“I’m just excited to work with the kids, you know?” Robbie said.  “I just love sharing the history of my craft. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to scurry across this group of friends walking down the street. Really give ‘em a fright.”